2014-07-04 扶輪知識 (1) 我為何會成為一位扶輪社員

我為何會成為一位扶輪社友。隨著時光飛逝,這些原因也會 跟著改變。在1950年,因為有兩位我所敬重的實業家邀請我 參加扶輪社,同時這些在城市中商場上及專業領域中的先進 們推選我成為美國賓州的加利福尼亞扶輪社員。 Why I Am a Rotarian. The reasons change with passing time. In 1950, it was because two businessmen I respected had invited me to join, and the leading business and professional men in town elected me to membership in the Rotary Club of California, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 此後經過許多年,我感受到在扶輪社裡熱情的友誼,優雅的 歌詠及一連串的社區服務計劃吸引著我。於 1955年,在芝加 哥所舉辦 50週年的國際年會時,我才第一次發覺到扶輪國際 性的驚奇。或許那才是我真正成為一位〝扶輪社員〞的時刻。 For several years, it was the warm fellowship in the club, the excellent singing, and a series of community service projects, which attracted me. In 1955, at the 50th Anniversary Convention in Chicago, I discovered for the first time the wonderment of the internationality of Rotary. Perhaps that is when I truly became “a Rotarian.” 於年復一年時序的推移,開啟了新服務的大門…我擔任地區 總監職務,之後成為國際扶輪的理事,並且榮膺兩任立法會 議的主委,並擔任兩屆國際扶輪社長之助理。每當我們看到 扶輪社員表現非凡的“超我服務”時,我們會因而認識些新朋友 並對扶輪的意義有更深一層的瞭解。 With passing years, new doors opened up... serving as a District Governor, then a Director of R.I., serving twice as Chairman of the Council on Legislation, and serving as Aides to two Presidents. And each time, we made new friends and Rotary took on a deeper meaning as we watched Rotarians perform remarkable acts of "Service Above Self." 於 1987年,全世界的扶輪社員選我當他們全球的社長。他們 的反應,不單單只是在卓越的根除小兒痲痺等疾病運動,而 且在扶輪社的擴展及社員的成長方面,注入了新生命到職業 服務及扶輪青年服務團裡,並且最後在克服了我們社員性別 上的障礙,證明了那是件最有成就的一件事。扮演一位領導 人角色的機緣的確是令人興奮不已。 In 1987, the Rotarians of the world made me their worldwide President. Their response, not just in the magnificent PolioPlus campaign, but in extension and membership development, in infusing new life into Vocational Service and Rotaract, and finally in surmounting the obstacle of gender in our membership, proved most fulfilling. Vocational Service and Rotaract, and finally in surmounting the obstacle of gender in our membership, proved most fulfilling. The chance to play a leadership role was indeed exciting. 為何 55年後我仍然持續是一位忠實、工作的扶輪社員?不論 是戰爭或經濟逆轉,扶輪在社員及服務方面是不斷持續的成 長,這正證實我的判斷,那就是因有對友誼以及對服務承諾 的結合體,一種全世界、永恆的呼籲,就是這股力量吸引了 我,同時留住了我成為一位扶輪社員。 Why do I continue a loyal, working Rotarian after 55 years? Rotary's steady growth in numbers and in service, despite wars and economic reversals, confirmed my judgment that there was a universal, timeless appeal to the combination of friendliness and commitment to service, which had attracted, then held me, as a Rotarian. 而這有用的感覺仍然存在著,不但在我的扶輪社的計劃裡, 而且在全世界的活動場合都是如此,那裡有大量的挑戰,則 那兒扶輪社員所扮演的角色也會跟著成長,而那兒人類的未 來等著我們去決定。 And the sense of usefulness is still there, not only in the projects of my club, but in the world arena, where challenges abound, where Rotarians have growing roles to play, and where the future of mankind is yet to be determined. 查理斯‧凱勒 1987-88年度國際扶輪社長 美國賓州加利福尼亞扶輪社 寫於 2006.1.6 Charles C. Keller (Law-Corporate Practice) President, Rotary International, 1987-88 The Rotary Club of California, Pennsylvania USA 2006.1.6.